Inspirational quotes by Tilak Fernando.
Life is an Invitation, Provocation, and a Celebration.
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Discipline is doing the right thing, for the right reason, at the right time.
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Your biggest strength is your ability to appreciate the imperfection of your life.
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We inhale trust and we exhale fearlessness.
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The most amazing part of life is yet to come.
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Silence is not something you do. Silence is something that comes to you and that Silence is a space of wonder.
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Imperfection impermancy and unpredictability are the three gateways of opening in our reality.
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Heaven is here when Time is not. To live without Time means to live without friction, with no wear and tear. That is the space of non-engagement, non-interference.
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Focus comes as an effortless connection to your being through pure fascination for this moment.
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Thinking is a spontaneous flow of recognition.
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